6 Tips For Better Corporate Meetings
Your company is planning an Annual Sales Kick-Off, Product Launch, Leadership Summit or something similar. And you’ve been told there’s a production element.
These meetings present an opportunity for leadership and employees to come together as a team, share updates, successes, direction, and engage in open conversation. As experienced producers of these events, BC Live has learned many lessons. First and foremost, a well-planned production will enhance your company’s messaging and communication. As you begin your preparation, here are our 6 Tips for Better Corporate Meetings.

#1 - Multicam Switching
It’s no secret that people like to feel connected, so seeing a presenter’s face in a meeting adds authenticity. Multi-cam live switching (whether virtual or in-person) creates the best curated watching experience for employees & viewers.
For example, the meeting starts, and we see a static slide with the name of the meeting and some music. We then fade down the music, and transition to a wide shot showing 50 people in a room, with a podium in the front. The first speaker begins, and we cut to a close up of the presenter at the podium. The speaker advances to his/her first slides, and we cut between a full screen view of the content, and perhaps a double box of the presenter and slides. Thanks to multicam switching, we’ve created a polished version of the presentation and made the content the focus!
#2 - Live Q&A / Polls
Viewers want to be heard! One of the benefits of streaming live video is that you can respond to people in real time. Q&A and Polls are great ways to engage with your employees, answer real questions, and keep an open line of communication with your audience during the meeting.
#3 - Speaker Clock, Down Stage Monitor, & Presentation Clicker

The goal of any production company is to make it as easy as possible for presenters, so they can focus solely on their presentation. These tools are essential to any corporate town hall.
Speaker Clock A countdown clock shown only to presenters so they can keep track of time elapsed, and how much time remains in their portion of the presentation
Down Stage Monitor: Monitor(s) facing a presenter that display either speaker notes, script, or PPT Deck so speakers don’t need to look anywhere but out at the audience
Presentation Clicker: A handheld device that a presenter uses to advance their slide deck
#4 - Accessibility
It’s important for companies to consider accessibility for their corporate meetings. This could mean adding these features to your broadcast:
Live captioning for the hard of hearing
Multi-language captioning
Audio translations
Sign language interpreter
Again, the goal is to make your meetings easily digestible for everyone within your company, especially companies with a global workforce.
#5 - Watch Parties

While events often aim for a high number of viewers, physically seeing 100 employees in a meeting room offers a more dynamic remote viewing experience. Presenters can acknowledge employees face to face and everyone seeing virtual participants further highlights a sense of community & involvement as a company. With offices spread all over, watch parties are an excellent way to unite all participants & presenters in a single broadcast.
#6 - VOD
Not everyone in your company may be available to watch the live town hall meeting. Video On Demand or VOD is the method of archiving the town hall, so that employees can watch at a later time. This is especially useful for global companies as part of the world may be sleeping during the initial broadcast airtime.

There you have it! These are just a few ways of enhancing your corporate town halls and increasing interactivity & viewership. Look and sound your best with a seasoned production company! If you need production rentals, or would like BC Live to produce your corporate broadcast, please reach out to us at bcliveproductions.com